Our success lies in
our employees


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Carrier opportunities at ELA

ELA Solutions Kft. offers excellent, long term carrier opportunities. We know the importance of a balanced and motivating working environment, that is why we are providing our team with ample opportunities for growth and a pleasant working atmosphere. Our common objective is to continuously grow by offering high quality products in time.

As a dynamic business we offer demanding and responsible positions in several fields, like management, marketing, engineering and so on.

Creativity, expertise, communication, strategic thinking… Got interested in working with us? Be part of the ELA team now.

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CNC operator

ELA Solutions Kft. is a family business that operates since 1995. Our core values are loyalty, cooperation capability, trustworthiness and human orientation. Our employees are all open-minded people, who think in the long term: although they are employees, they think and act like entrepreneurs. For us it is important that even all new teammates have these qualities and characteristics. Of course our mission is to support the talents that lie within our teams, that is why we highly focus on their personal and professional growth.

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Designer and Engineer

ELA Solutions Kft. is a family business that operates since 1995. Our core values are loyalty, cooperation capability, trustworthiness and human orientation. Our employees are all open-minded people, who think in the long term: although they are employees, they think and act like entrepreneurs. For us it is important that even all new teammates have these qualities and characteristics. Of course our mission is to support the talents that lie within our teams, that is why we highly focus on their personal and professional growth.

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